Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Rumor #2: We no longer do math in 8th grade!

This rumor, too, is fallacious...though I can understand why a given 8th grader might feel it's true! As you know, Ava is our current resident math specialist and has been doing a very conscientious job. She and the entire 7th grade team is away on the annual Yurt Trip this week (remember back??)...and so she was to be replaced by our very own Rafael - who, in addition to being a topnotch Assistant Head of School, is also a math-lete. (aka The Godfather of CPM!) Alas and alack, Rafael has fallen victim to our dreaded SGS plague, and thus has not been able to join us as envisioned. In the absence of an accredited math specialist, I (Sally) have taken the time to work with our girls on language arts projects and then will swap core time with Ava and/or Rafael when they're both back and able. Who knows? We might just run an entire week of math and only math! We'll let you know what creative approaches we devise to remedy our current "Mathless in Seattle" status!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Yea! I am so glad the blog is back. It is the only way I had any clue as to what was happening in the 8the grade.