Saturday, May 22, 2010

Final Words

Hello All,

I'm sorry to say, but this will be the final blog entry from the graduating class of 2010. Just a brief wrap up to the year- and what an amazing year it has been. We read poems, wrote plays, went to the international space station, ate weird neon green pisatacio pudding, decrypted codes, math problems and blood splatter analysis, decided whether a pig autopsy was ethical, came to consensus on term 1 theme (deep sea life), supported each other on a high ropes course, spent a week in Mexico (most of us did), created a perfect world, a multi media presentation about a science question, used string to determine a blood splatter, wrote emails, learning contracts and essays galore, solved puzzles, learned new words, created individual learning plans multiple times, prepared for learning team meetings, gave presentations about race in Social Studies, memorized 167 countries, had deep conversations about the origin of race, wrote reflection, after refelction, after self assement, learned about forensics, made amazing art projects, wrote thank you notes, asked questions and bonded together as an entire grade- all in 9 months. And now, with only 9 days left, we still have an entire movie to make. WOW. I think this last year has been a great final huzzah for everyone. It's going to be a difficult transition into high school for all, but SGS visits will always be waiting. So here's to a great three years as a class, and to a promising, outstanding future ahead.

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a GIFT. That's why we call it the present" -Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, May 9, 2010

News About Production (and other stuff too)

Hello All,

Although the school year is coming to a close, there are still several exciting events to come. Production is moving right along, as vignette groups and plots are becoming more solidified. We are starting to make rough cuts- quick versions of scenes before actually shooting them. We've all quickly discovered that unless the shooting pace picks up, we aren't going to have 60 scenes. 8 shooting days, 6 scenes per day. You do the math. :) Also- big shout out to all the parents who have volunteered to drive! After all the scene are shot, we'll move into the editing stage, and the movie will eventually be finished!

In addition to production, we've been wrapping up other projects: theme, social studies and math. We've got presentations about race coming up, and we only have about 2 or 3 weeks left of term three theme.