Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Parents- How You Can Help

Hello Parents! We said we would alert you when we saw ways you can help your daughters at home. We have two key curricular pieces with which we could use your help:
1) Resources and Research- The girls are well under way with their Theme work and have begun looking for resources to support their various topics. We are requiring them to have resources (other than just internet ones). These could be in the form of books, magazines, articles, etc. We want hard copies! They will need to bring these to their theme time in class on Thursday, Nov. 12 and Tuesday, Nov. 17th. You can help by taking your daughter to the library to check out materials related to her theme project. If you are lucky, she may even have the item on hold already!
2) Math Homework- While I have not assigned official homework, the girls have plenty of math practice opportunities they can be working on at home. 1) They have basic skills practice (they should know what specific skills they need to be working on and there are a variety of ways they can practice such as using the links on the 8th grade student blog for online practice sites, making flash cards, practice with worksheets). 2) They have POW's that are assigned on a weekly basis. They can continue work on a POW, expand their thinking on a POW or even come up with their own. 3) There are problem sets in the chapter we are currently working on. These are in their CPM Packets and they can work on the problems and check their answers using hotmath. com. 4) Geometry practice- We just started work on trigonometry and the girls are loving it! We have given some extension work if the girls choose to do it.

You can help with all of the above by reminding the girls that these are practice options and pushing them to choose one to focus on. We are committed to giving individualized work at home but this means that we cannot "assign" an all class homework as the girls are all working on their individual skills. Thanks for your help!

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