Monday, November 3, 2008

Progress Reports

Over the next week, you all can expect to be seeing progress reports of various sorts being given to your daughters to provide them, and you, some reminders on how they have been doing so far this term. While the learning team meetings were a great opportunity to hear directly from the girls, we also know that many of you want to hear directly from the teachers about the specifics. Here’s what you can expect to hear from us: first, one of the key things we are at looking at is the consistency and quality of her classwork and homework; second, the first round of major tests, project due dates, and presentations are happening this week and next and results will follow shortly after. We will each post on the blog as we give homework reports or hand back tests/project rubrics. We also will be emailing you individually when we observe that there are issues with turning in homework. Please ask your daughter how she’s doing and remember that we are still early in the year and plenty of time for “course corrections” if needed.

1 comment:

l. lunette said...

I would love to see some writing from the girls here, especially about their experiences with the reporting process. Any possibility of getting their input?

(Claire K's mom)