Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sharing Our Passions

I echo Bert's enthusiasm about our class-determined, first term theme: ANTHROPOLOGY! Waaahooo!! In an effort to model a love of learning as we shared our individual pursuits of our individual interests, Bert, Darin and I each took some time yesterday to present our passions. Bert spoke enthusiastically about his love of sustainable building materials - specifically straw and cob construction. The girls were wowed by photos of projects that he has both seen and executed. Darin talked about her love of gardening, informed by her quest to know both the origin and the journey of the food she enjoys on her table each day. Our girls recalled their shared adventures in gardening by viewing Darin's photos from their sixth grade garden. I shared my passion for my father's amazing World War II story - an odyssey that I've been working on for the past thirty plus years with hopes of seeing his story in print sometime soon! Rather than trying to hook you here, ask your 8th grader for a fuller explanation. Based on their impressive attentiveness and appreciative responses, I suspect they'll have much to relay! On a related note, feel free to talk with your 8th grader about YOUR passions...our shared goal being to ignite a lifelong pursuit of learning about those things that truly matter.

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