Monday, September 29, 2008

Social Technologies Wrap-Up

The girls did a great job this week presenting their analysis to one another of the four articles they read on teens’ use of social technologies. Our discussion focused on what the authors’ main points were, whether they agreed or disagreed and why, and how they felt the article might be useful in supporting their conversations with all of you about home computer use.

You should be on the lookout next week for a contract template of a Home Computer Use Agreement. If you are participating in our computer purchase or rental program, you’ll need to fill this out and sign it before your daughter can take a school computer home. As before, the content of this contract will be determined by your family but we’ve given you some guiding questions to get you started. Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions. Also keep an eye out for more information from Rafael and John about the laptop program itself if you are interested.

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