Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Women's History Music Discussion with Core A

Here's what we were doing in Sally's core this morning! At this juncture we're discussing Pink's controversial hit "Stupid Girls" and are ferreting out its overt and well as covert messages!

A huge "Thank You" to our resident tech-spert, Bert who just taught MM and me how to post videos! When and where will it end, I wonder???


Anonymous said...

We loved!!! the video clips!! Chandra played all three at once for full effect. I really like getting the experience of sitting in the classroom. Wish my 8th grade experience had been like this.
Polly & Chandra

Anonymous said...

I agree the videos are awesome - wish they could be longer! I would have loved to hear and see some answers to Sally's question. Having said that, this kind of teaser does give me a conversation starter. This use of video is an excellent tool! Thank you!