Friday, April 20, 2007

The Production: so much creativity - so little time!

What more can you say than "wow"? This week we've spent every afternoon working though our draft script of the Production. Thursday and Friday we spent completing our first "read through" where students put together each of their individually conceived scenes in order (mostly) and read them aloud to the rest of the group. Then we used a similar critiquing process to what is used in Art with Trina. After each scene we heard both appreciations as well as concerns/questions. Now we'll refine our scripts and start rehearsing, gathering props, planning scene shots and assembling costumes!

In thinking far, far ahead make sure the premiere of the Production is on your calendar. We'll be showing our feature length film on Friday, June 8th at the Museum of Flight's Allen Theatre. Doors will open at 6pm and the film will begin promptly at 6:30pm. This is a great way to end the year. We hope you and other family and friends will be able to join us!

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