Monday, March 26, 2007

Mathmania with MM

After a brief break in early March which allowed us to intensively prepare for Mission to Mars, 8th graders are back to working 5 mornings a week honing their algebra skills. Chapter 9 focuses on inequalities and absolute values. We've seen several of our previous skills reflected in this new chapter - everything from remembering that inequality signs are like alligator mouths that eat the bigger number, to refreshing our memory about graphing systems of equations, both linear and quadratic - and are applying them in new ways.

Our goal will be to take our chapter 9 test the Thursday before spring break. Students who will be going on the Spanish trip to Mexico or any other students leaving early for spring break, should be sure to make arrangements to take the test before they leave.

By the end of the year we plan to complete through chapter 10 in our CPM books. Depending on how much time once this happens we will focus on some additional math topics, like geometry, to augment our Algebra I knowledge.

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