Sunday, March 8, 2009

Do you remember F.O.I.L?

Factoring,, quadratics Oh My! We have launched into Chapter 8 with great energy! Moving from linear equations (straight lines) to quadratic equations (parabolas a.k.a. "curvy lines"), the girls have made the transition smoothly. We started out with some basic multiplying using the F.O.I.L.- First, Outside, Inside, Last method to multiply binomials (ex: (x + 2) (x + 5) = ?). We also began factoring simple quadratic equations. There was a huge sigh of relief when the diamond problems from 6th and 7th grade reappeared and FINALLY made sense (it applies directly to what they are doing when they factor quadratics). They are continuing to work on factoring as the quadratic equations become more complicated. The girls are doing a great job recognizing patterns and discovering different strategies that work best for each of their different ways of thinking. We are moving into graphing parabolas and looking at how all of this relates to gravity, motion, and anything curvy (well, parabolic shaped specifically). Yes for real world applications!

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