Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Week Overview

Hello everyone,

Only a short week this time, but still jam packed of typical SGS life. On Monday, we started with community jobs, a few girls have already started planning the halloween party on Friday of next week. In math, we are studying/reviewing for the math test on next Monday. In Language Arts, we chose women writers, filmmakers, poets and authors who we will be corresponding with by mail over the next few weeks. In Science we are continuing forensic labs, learning to identify the manufacturer of bullets (don't worry, no bullets were fired), which clothing fibers match in crime scene evidence, and determining the pH of soil samples. Continuing Theme, everyone is getting a better grasp on what they want to focus and learn about, and starting right away to do research on their projects. All the artifact boxes have been painted for each advisory, with extremely cool underwater designs including jellyfish, dead fish, ship wrecks, sharks, treasure chests and sea weed. Ending this week early was a joy to the class, but Learning Team Meetings down the road on Thursday and Friday. Also, this week and part of last week was campaign week for student council. Although the seventh graders are in the running, Tuesday morning they presented their speeches and every candidate would be great in office.

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