Rejection. Equals. Death. (R.E.D.)- Directed by Lillian Hubbell, written by Mahogani Watson
The Highs and Lows of Teenage Life- Directed by Bailey Sheehan, written by Olivia Oplinger
Girls and Dolls- Directed by Lia Mclanahan, written by Gracie Rauen
Fake Love- Directed by Payton Curtis, written by Anna Konsmo
The Story- Directed by Evy Larsen, written by Greta Rainbow
The Safety Corner- Directed by Jade Chowning, written by Caroline Tremaine-Nelson
The Park Bench- Directed by Mahogani Watson, written by Lillian Hubbell
True As A Dream- Directed by Ruby Wood, written by Emily Soriano
The Date- Directed by Maggie Debrovner, written by Sophia Webb
On Nagging Little Voices- Directed by Emily Soriano, written by Jade Chowning
Ask your daughter what she is doing in the play festival! Lights? Acting? Directing? We hope to see you Saturday, March 26th at Theater Off Jackson, 2:00 PM. Ten plays, all ten minutes long, all produced and performed by students.