A lot has been going in the 8th grade at SGS. From post-mission reflections to wrapping up theme, building catapults and starting production, we've been pretty busy. Mission went well for everyone involved, and although it was extremely fun, I think everyone is excited to be through with the stress. We're starting third term theme (individual projects) today, starting with learning contracts, new weekly check-ins and solid plans. On Wednesday mornings, we've been busily building catapults. Drawing plans, filling out order forms and constructing our catapults in small groups has been both challenging and rewarding. All girls learned how use a saw to cut wood and drill planks together. In addition, we are jumping right into Production work! We learned about different types of shots, and how to write a screen play. We turned stories into scripts and shot them last week. Production consensus also started last week, much to the dismay of all girls. Hopefully however, because of theme consensus, choosing an idea for production should me much easier, in fact it only took us 3 sessions to come up with a theme: MURDER :). We are now (slowly) beginning to discuss plot, characters and sub topics for the production. This a a brief look into our busy schedule and new events in typical 8th grade life! More to come!
Pictured: Olivia, Caitlin, Aiyana, Ilana, Nala, Tess, Lilly, Megan, Janee, Livvy, Haleigh and Katie,