The reading journal is a place where students can exchange thoughts, impressions, questions, suggestions and the like about reading and literature with each other as well as with me. In it we write back and forth to one another about anything and everything literary, nothing too terribly formal or fine-tuned, rather more of an ongoing written conversation about what we’re reading, how it impacts as well as educates us and why. Here are the general guidelines we follow:
1. You must read a book. Magazines, newspapers and comic books (Anime) don’t have the chunks of text you need to develop fluency, and they won’t help you discover who you are as a reader of literature.
2. Don’t read a book you don’t like. Don’t waste time with a book you don’t love when there are so many great ones out there waiting for you.
3. If you don’t like a book, find another one. Browse, ask me or a friend for a recommendation, do an internet search ( always has reviews and such) or check our “Book Reviews” in our Reading Workshop 2009 Group at for suggestions.
4. It’s all right to reread a book you love. This is what readers do!
5. It’s okay to skim or skip parts if you get bored or stuck; readers do this, too!
6. Record every book you finish or abandon on the form entitled “Student Reading Record.” Collect data about yourself as a reader, look for patterns, and take satisfaction in your accomplishments over time.
7. Understand that reading is thinking. Do nothing to distract me or other readers. Don’t put your words in our brains as we’re trying to escape into the worlds created by the authors of our books. Simply put: Reading Workshop is a quiet endeavor!
8. When you confer with me, use as soft a voice as I use when I talk to you: whisper!
9. Read (and/or write in your reading journal) the entire class period.
10. Read as well and as much as you can!
The goal here is obvious: we’re seeking to explore and enhance our literary territ
One final note about Reading Workshop: know that I have exhorted 8th graders to actively engage in reading for an average of thirty minutes each day, seven days a week! So for those of you with known bookworms, believe them when they claim that “it’s homework!!” Conversely, for those of you who harbor reluctant readers, take comfort in the knowledge that we’re actively engaged in the activity during our school day.